June 2022 Newsletter

In this Clergy Letter Project update you’ll find the following ten items:

  1. The Future of Evolution Weekend:  Next Steps;
  2. Astrobiology News for June 2022:  A Decade of Great Ideas;
  3. Evolution Education and Science Literacy in the South;
  4. The Fundamentalists are Winning;
  5. The Scope Trial’s Lessons for Today;
  6. Addressing Our Climate Crisis;
  7. Flat Earth Back in the News;
  8. Los Alamos Faith & Science Forum;
  9. Santa Claus; and
  10. Evolutionary Improvement in Indiana.

1.   The Future of Evolution Weekend:  Next Steps

Thanks to all of you who took the time to vote about the future of Evolution Weekend. The results indicated two very clear points. First, the option that, by far, received the largest number of votes was to change the name of Evolution Weekend to Religion and Science Weekend. Second, the option that was least attractive, to declare victory and move on, received only a handful of votes. The option to change the date of the weekend also received a large number of votes but not nearly as many as indicating the desire to change the name.

So here’s where we are: From this point on, Evolution Weekend will be called Religion and Science Weekend.

Given the sentiment expressed by many to change the date of the weekend, I think it wise to conduct another vote exploring exactly this point. Given that the options are multi-faceted, it might require more than one round of voting to determine the wishes of members. But let’s get started!

Let me make one point first: whether we change the date or not, we will make it clear (perhaps clearer than it has already been), congregations can participate on the assigned date or at any other time if the assigned date doesn’t work for them.

Now let’s vote. Please reply to this note by voting for your first choice. If there’s no clear winner, we’ll take the leading vote-getters and run another round of voting.

_____ Retain the weekend closest to Darwin’s birthday (12 February) as the weekend to celebrate Religion and Science Weekend.

_____ Designate the weekend closest to Earth Day as Religion and Science Weekend.

_____ Designate the weekend closest to the summer solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) as Religion and Science Weekend.

_____ Designate the last weekend in August as Religion and Science Weekend.

_____ Designate the third weekend in September as Religion and Science Weekend.

_____ I prefer another date entirely, namely _______________________________.


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2.  Astrobiology News for June 2022:  A Decade of Great Ideas

As noted in last month’s newsletter, Grace Wolf-Chase, Senior Scientist and Senior Education & Communication Specialist at the Planetary Science Institute as well as a Clergy Letter Project consultant, is taking a well-deserved break from her Astrobiology News column to deal with a back problem. Because I know how much so many of you enjoy her work, I’m taking this opportunity to remind you that you can scan her columns from the previous decade here.

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3.  Evolution Education and Science Literacy in the South

Biologos has just run a fascinating interview with Dr. Amanda Townley entitled “Evolution Education and Science Literacy in the South.” Amanda discusses her faith, growing up in the South and how evolution education can be made more accessible. Here’s just one nugget from the interview:

Evolution does not have to be scary for students. Teachers just have to empathize and recognize that students are coming into their classroom from a broad range of backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs about evolution and other so-called “controversial” science topics. Demystifying the word through embedded teaching (evolution as the theme of biology) and specifically teaching your students about the nature of science as a field and as a way of knowing, can diffuse concerns and contention before it ever begins.


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4.  The Fundamentalists are Winning

I suspect that many of you are familiar with the work of historian Diana Butler Bass. One of her latest pieces is entitled “The Fundamentalists are Winning,” with the subheading, “I know Fundamentalism when I see it – and I’m worried.” I don’t mean to worry you, but….


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5.  The Scope Trial’s Lessons for Today

Politico has just published an interesting article examining the lessons for today we can learn from the Scope’s Trial of 1925. While parts of the piece are controversial, it’s well worth reading.


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6.   Addressing Our Climate Crisis

On a daily basis we’re seeing evidence that the climate crisis is getting worse and that we’re running out of time to take meaningful action to step back from the brink and to ensure that we will continue to reside on a habitable planet. While it’s true that our Climate Crisis Letter is but a small action in the right direction, it is something that can gain the attention of politicians and business leaders. When enough clergy speak out on a topic of this type, people are likely to take notice.

Let me make a couple of points about this letter that was drafted by a team of clergy members and scientists. First, the number of signatures on it recently exceeded 1,050. Second, the number of countries represented by those signatures just reached 15. Third, I’m actually both surprised and disappointed that so many members of The Clergy Letter Project have NOT yet added their names to the Climate Crisis Letter. Indeed, I suspect that most of you reading this note have not yet signed on. Signing on is easy; simply reply to this note and let me know how you would like your signature block to appear – I’ll do the rest.

Additionally, although our international representation is impressive, so many countries are not yet represented. Similarly, we currently do not have anyone from Utah having signed on. Please spread the word and help us expand our reach. Our impact increases as a function of the number of clergy who have signed on.

And please check the list of signatures to be certain you’ve already signed up. If you’re not present, let me know! Thanks much.


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7.  Flat Earth Back in the News

The belief that the Earth is flat is back in the news. Lin Wood, one of Donald Trump’s attorneys arguing that the 2020 presidential election was stolen has just weighed in on the topic. His comments were so bizarre that I’m quoting them in full. Here’s what he had to say:

People lie. Scientists lie. Government agencies (including NASA) lie.

God does not lie.

The Holy Bible is the Word of God.

Every Word in the Holy Bible is True.

Is the Earth flat or is it a spinning ball???

The Answer is found in the Holy Bible.

Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusion.

I have drawn mine.

Press on in your search for TRUTH.

Today I entered the debate over the “flat earth” issue.

I made it clear that I believed in the TRUTH found in the Holy Bible and not what NASA tells us.

The Enemy immediately attacked me!!!

What does that tell us?

The enemy does not believe in the Word of God but rather chooses to believe in NASA!!! The enemy sides with the “truth” of man over the TRUTH of God. The enemy is Godless. So once again, identify who is attacking me over my “flat earth” comments.




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8.  Los Alamos Faith & Science Forum

The Los Alamos Faith & Science Forum just announced its summer line-up of talks. Talks are scheduled each Wednesday evening at 6:30 Mountain Time and are available on Zoom. Upcoming talks include such topics as “The Origin of Life,” Understanding Confidence and Uncertainty in Religion and in Science,” “Interactions with the Divine – A Statistical View,” and The Heavens Declare: The Universe and Judeo-Christian Truth Claims.” Check out these free events.


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9.  Santa Claus

No, not that Santa Claus! The “other” Santa Claus is a member of The Clergy Letter Project, a member of the North Pole, Alaska City Council and a recent candidate for the Congressional seat previously held by Don Young. In a crowded field of 48 candidates, Santa came in sixth place in the primary election. Unfortunately, only the top four candidates move on to the final round. Please join me in congratulating Santa on his fine showing.


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10.  Evolutionary Improvement in Indiana

The National Center for Science Education reports that the new science standards just approved by the State of Indiana were an improvement in how evolution was treated. The previous version received a grade of F so any improvement is very much welcome.


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Concluding Thoughts

In a addition to voting on the future of Evolution Weekend this past month, many of you included thoughtful comments. Thank you for sharing them with me. One of the real joys of promoting The Clergy Letter Project is hearing from so many of you – especially during the difficult times we are experiencing. I am buoyed by the fact that you are not giving up attempting to make this a better, fairer, greener and more hospitable world. I look forward to hearing from you again over the coming weeks.

Finally, as always, I want to thank you for your continued support and as I do every month, I urge you to take one simple action.  Please share this month’s Newsletter with a colleague or two (or post a link via any social media platform you use) and ask them to add their voices to those promoting a deep and meaningful understanding between religion and science.  They can add their signatures to one of our Clergy Letters simply by dropping me a note at mz@theclergyletterproject.org.  Spread the word; change the world.  Together we are making a difference.


Michael Zimmerman
Founder and Executive Director
The Clergy Letter Project